scholarship Criteria
The West Virginia Troopers Association awards annual scholarships to dependents of active and retired members, recognizing academic excellence and community involvement. Review the eligibility requirements, application process, and important deadlines to ensure your submission meets the criteria.

Each year the WVTA awards monetary scholarships to dependents (children) of active and retired members of the West Virginia Troopers Association.
It has come to our attention that there has been some confusion in the past relative to the criteria required to apply for and receive said scholarships. Applicants may only receive a WVTA Scholarship a maximum of four (4) times (per Board Meeting 1/11/09).
Candidates for the WVTA scholarship must be either a graduating high school senior with a grade point average of 3.0 or a student presently attending a college or university maintaining a 3.0 grade point average. All scholarship recipients must be enrolled for a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours in college. Scholarships are granted based on composite ACT/SAT scores, evidence of extracurricular academic and social activities, responsibilities as detailed in the Application Form and the completion of an essay as specified by the Scholarship Committee. Preference will be given to those applicants who plan to study law enforcement or a related field. Preference shall also be given to applicants who attend a West Virginia college or university.
The Scholarship Committee consists of retired teachers chosen from a West Virginia college, university, or school. A different college, university or retired teacher is chosen each year. This Committee makes its selections and determinations completely independent of the WVTA. The WVTA has no part of the decision-making process.
Previously, high school seniors were required to maintain a 3.5 grade point average. To simplify the process of determining the eligibility of applicants, the grade point average was placed at 3.0 for all applicants by Board vote on April 9, 2001. It has also been determined that the Scholarship Committee shall select the top applicants meeting the requisite criteria and provide the WVTA with a listing in rank order. The top applicants will be awarded a scholarship by the West Virginia Troopers Association. The number of scholarships and amount given will be determined later.
Due to the increasing number of applications received each year by the WVTA, any applications not reaching the WVTA office by the stated deadline will not be eligible for the scholarship program. The deadlines must be strictly adhered to provide an equal opportunity for all applicants.
The Scholarship Committee shall provide the WVTA with a listing in rank order. According to the rank listing a certain number will be awarded a scholarship by the West Virginia Troopers Association with the top scholarship applicant receiving One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and the next certain ranking applicants receiving Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), each. The number of scholarships given, and the monetary amounts will be determined by the Board of Directors each year based upon the WVTA’s annual budget.
Please complete the Scholarship Application provided for the current year and return to the WVTA Office along with your certified grade transcript by the stated deadline. Upon receipt of the application, the essay question will be mailed stating the essay deadline. Remember, this is a competition!